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tv   MSNBC Live With Thomas Roberts  MSNBC  October 2, 2015 10:00am-12:01pm PDT

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hi, everybody, i am thomas roberts, we are continuing coverage of the tragedy at umpqua community college, the site of america's most recent mass shooting right here in roseburg, oregon. a beautiful rural section of our country. we are expecting update from officials that are leading this investigation coming up at any moment. here's what we know and can tell you. ten people were killed. nine injured in law enforcement and gunman left behind, a multi page hate filled note left behind at the shooting scene. officials say he lamented the fact he had no girlfriend and thought the world was against him. we're getting a picture how chaotic things were during the shooting. earlier i spoke with a witness who described the moment one of her classmates was shot. >> she said what's happening,
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and she stepped outside. i saw her step outside, and then i did not see the shooter but i witnessed her get shot and she collapsed in the doorway. >> we're expecting to hear from president obama at 3:30 eastern where he will be taking questions. it was last night he was visibly angry, very frustrated in remarks of the aftermath of what the shooting meant for our country nationally. and he voiced that frustration about lack of action on gun control legislation. >> this is a political choice we make to allow this to happen every few months in america. we collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction. >> meanwhile, we have douglas county sheriff john hanlin, a
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fierce opponent of gun control legislation and i talked to him about that earlier today. >> i know the conversation around guns and gun control is happening, is going to continue to happen, and it should happen in the heels of this tragedy. right now my focus is on the investigation and getting a complete and thorough investigation completed as timely a fashion as we can. >> jacob soboroff is outside the center where we expect to hear from sheriff hanlin. this has been the command center. what are the details we expect we can get from the deputy and his department? >> reporter: there are so many, thomas, other than details you cited, 10 dead, 9 wounded, we don't know that much from the sheriff himself. he hasn't confirmed names of victims or shooter's identity or
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motive, cause of death of that shooter. we also don't know details about the two roseburg police officers first responders on the scene that earlier today the sheriff told me were heroes, and of course the issue of gun control. thomas, earlier i had a chance to speak with the president of umpqua community college, dr. rita cavin. take a look at this. >> it is small, close knit, there's not much turnover in faculty and staff, so everybody knows one another, and no one would picture this in this setting. it is like carnage in eden. >> reporter: that's the perfect -- the way she described it, the perfect way so many would say to describe what went on. 22,000 people are in roseburg, 3,000 people at ucc, and everybody here is feeling the effects of what happened here yesterday. >> carnage in eden. that's a phrase i think that will stay with us. stand by. i want to bring into the
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conversation justice correspondent pete williams, he has new details on the gunman. i know, pete, you have been working your sources there at nbc. what light can you shed on who this person is? >> we know more about his background now. it is clear this was a young man struggling with mental health issues. he went to a school for children with emotional problems. his mother told neighbors her son had mental issues. and a law enforcement official says he left behind a note several pages long in which he expressed despondency and depression. they say he said he would be welcomed in hell, embraced by the devil. he lamented that he had no girlfriend, no life. he said in the note he was in a bad way, that the world was against him, and people we talked to who have seen this note say he was throughout depressed and sullen. it adds to this picture of a
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young man who was having -- clearly having some problems. nonetheless, he was not legally barred from acquiring guns. he had many according to the sheriff. they found not only guns at the shooting scene but also in his apartment when they went to search there, and law enforcement authorities are trying to trace the guns and see where they came from. >> pete williams reporting for us in washington, d.c. pete, thanks very much. on the left-hand side of the screen so everybody knows we are waiting for the roseburg -- this is the command center in roseburg for douglas county sheriff's department to give the latest update and briefing that they have from the investigation that's been conducted for the last 24 hours. just to remind you, it is 10:05 here. first calls of the shooting came in roughly 10:38 a.m. yesterday when it happened in snyder hall on campus behind me, to give you
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geography where we are. we are at the base of the hill that leads up to the community college campus. this is the main way in and out. this is the artery for all of the traffic. we are keeping a close eye on what's happening with the command center and press briefing. stories bubbling up of heroism are emerging out of the campus shooting at umpqua, one of which is the student and shooting survivor story of chris mintz. he is 30, army vet of ten years, new ucc student. his aunt, sheila brown, tells nbc news he was shot seven times trying to save other students. brown says her nephew was shot in the back, abdomen and hands, and suffered two broken legs, but is expected to recover after multiple surgeries. a facebook page reported to belong to mintz posted this message. quote, this is chris' friend. chris asked me to thank everyone for their support, he is grateful and keeping our community and all victims in his
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thoughts. meanwhile, a go fund me crowd page has been created by a man that says he is mintz's cousin. it appeared to be, a page that will pay for medical bills. as of now, raised over $17,000, surpassing the original goal of $10,000 and as i look at the screen now, almost up to $26,000. earlier today i spoke with two students that were in separate classes when the shooting started and they talked about chris mintz's heroism. >> one of my classmates was shot. chris, which he really is a hero with him being a vet. >> chris mintz? >> yes, with him being a vet, he went over and charged at the gunman and was able to at least distract him for awhile, probably saved dozens of lives with the time it took. >> probably saved dozens of lives. chris mintz's name is one we're
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seeing all over social media about his acts of heroism, people wishing him a speedy recovery. republican state senator joins me now, roseburg is your district. >> yes. >> your immediate reaction when you heard this happened? >> total shock. things like this don't happen in rural communities like ours, but the first thing i want to say is that the first responders and the police, everybody did an outstanding job on responding to this incident, it could have been a lot worse. >> when you look at the front page of the register-guard, i'll show you again, headline of campus horror, splashed over the oregonian as well. this is what people are waking up to, and we're coming up to the 24 hour mark when the shooting started. as you pointed out for first responders and words about chris mintz, if they hadn't acted so quickly, this could have been a lot worse. >> as i understand, the shooter had a lot more ammunition he
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didn't get a chance to use, and i mean, it is horrific, there's no question. but the first thing i clearly want to do is say that the sheriff, state police, fbi, everybody has done an outstanding job on dealing with the front end of this. the back end is difficult how we move forward. >> this is a tragedy for so many families in roseburg. i'll tell you, when you come into this community, degrees of separation for people associated with this community college is slim. many people have family members that work here, so associations are tight. talk about that, what's the back end and what healing means for the community. >> we are blessed, you talked about funds for medical expenses, that is typical of this community. saying that from a perspective
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that we are a timber industry community. we have 25% unemployment in this county at this point in time. but this community pulls together like no other community i've been a part of, and this community will pull together. we've already got several efforts under way. we had a conference call yesterday with leadership of the legislature and folks in the governor's office and probably starting monday we're going to be trying to figure out how we can coordinate our activities to meet the needs locally. >> just a reminder, we are waiting on a press conference from the command center. senator, you mention that this is timber country that's been struggling, and this community college meant a second chance for so many people. >> yeah. i mean, the average age of students in this college is in their 30s. because there's a lot of people here being retrained to do something other than work in a mill or work in the woods. >> state senator cruz, thank you for joining us. >> if i could say one more
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thing. one thing our sheriff has did, he said he will never mention the name of the shooter, and i wish there was some way we could get that into policy. a lot of these people are after their 15 minutes of fame, and if they know they would be anonymous, might not be so eager to do this. >> good point. state senator, thank you so much. we will go back to 30 rock in new york city, frances rivera has new details for us. >> information just coming in as we find out more about the shooter here, thomas, information that he is actually served some time in the military. in fact, in 2008 from november to december, view of army records show that christopher shawn harper mercer was in service in fort jackson, south carolina from those dates specifically november 5th to december 11th of 2008, but had been discharged for failing to meet minimum administrative standards to serve in the u.s. army, so as we await the press conference, thomas, finding out more information about this
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gunman behind him, even with chilling details we are finding out there was a message left that officials are saying he left the message that he was a man who was depressed, didn't have anything to live for, didn't have many friends. paperwork left behind from him with those extreme messages of hate. the latest we're finding out about the gunman, review of army records indicated that he did serve one month in 2008 but was dismissed for failing to meet the minimum administrative standards, not sure what exactly those are, but digging up more. hopefully we'll find out more as officials prepare to speak with us and brief the press and the public any moment now, thomas. >> frances, thanks very much. let's go to our colleague, msnbc colleague jacob soboroff, at the command center where that briefing will take place from douglas county sheriff's department. this is a new development, an interesting piece to the profile puzzle to find out he served albeit briefly back in '08.
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>> reporter: it is absolutely important, interesting, and i think most definitely will come up in a few minutes' time here, thomas. i think a lot of conversation is going to focus on guns, guns in oregon, gun regulations. i heard you talking to the previous guest about that. it is something that again the president of umpqua community college said to me when she talked about the idea that concealed carry is permitted on campus at the university. in other words, there were students on campus yesterday that were armed themselves. and what she said is let's take a look at the situation, p paraphrasin paraphrasing. it was not the students that stopped the shooter, it was tactical, s.w.a.t. sheriff's deputies that came in looking like soldiers going to battle that took down this shooter. you know, i think that's something that a lot of people want to hear answers to in terms of the idea that students were there, having guns. that this was not a so-called gun free zone, and something a lot of people have been talking
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about. >> that's part of the laws in oregon, about postsecondary institutions where it is legal to be armed, concealed carry. >> reporter: that's right. postsecondary institutions it is legal to conceal carry a weapon here. >> okay. interesting, i go back to the newspapers, news review on wednesday had the fact that sheriff hanlin filed for his third term. he took over as sheriff being elected in 2008. one thing he talks about is budget concerns for their area, said one solution is encouraging volunteers to assist in search and rescue operations and crime prevention, which really, really feeds into the narrative about conceal carry and the fact that postsecondary institutions allow for that and it is not illegal, what type of difference that could have made for yesterday. straight ahead, we're going to be speaking to a father you probably all know. he is someone who lost his son
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in uc santa barbara shooting. coming up, we will talk about what it is like to see another mass shooting at a college campus and his message for the country. i am totally blind.
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to get out of here, we need to move. that's when i heard the second and third shots. by that time she had opened the door, i was booking it across campus. trying to get as far away as it could. >> that was my interview earlier with sarah cobb, a freshman here
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at umpqua community college, it was just her fourth day on campus. fall semester for 2015 had just begun, it was 10:38 when the first shots rang out. now we wait for a news conference on america's latest mass shooting as we have many more details certainly about those that were lost, certainly about those that were injured. we remain to find out details about the shooter and profile of this person that would bring such a rampage of hate to a beautiful, tranquil place like umpqua community college. the latest in a string of tragic shootings we witnessed in this country. april 16, 2007, 32 people were killed at virginia tekch in blacksburg, virginia. the gunman took his own life. remains to this day the worst school shooting in american history. december 14, 2012, 28 people
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killed at sandy hook elementary school in connecticut. among the dead, 20 young students. the 20-year-old gunman also killed his mom before taking his own life. in a state report found he suffered from extreme mental health issues that weren't treated properly. april 20th, 1999, 13 killed at columbine high school in littleton, colorado. two dozen others were injured before the two teen gunman took their own lives. we are reminded of the shooting may 23rd, 2014, near university of california, santa barbara. six students were killed by the emotional troubled 22-year-old gunman, and father of christopher martinez who died in that shooting joins me now. richard martinez, thank you for being with us. your gut reaction when you heard this. were you thinking i can't believe this is happening again to an american school campus? >> no, thomas, i believe it is
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happening again and it could happen tomorrow. until we take steps to pass common sense gun laws to make it safer in this country, these things are going to continue. it is long past the time when political leaders of this country should have acted. they should have acted after sandy hook. we need to hold elected officials in this country responsible for letting this situation continue and i'm not surprised. >> when we started to learn about your story also taking your frustration and sadness and turning it into activism, you've taken the not one more message on the road, you're using your story to spread christopher's story so that his life is not something that's in vain. do you think any legislative progress has been made? we can even use oregon for an example where this summer the governor was successful in getting stronger background checks in and also doing away
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with private sales. >> thomas, majority of people in this country support having background checks on all gun sales. the majority of membership of the nra supports universal background checks on gun sales, we know from experience that states that have background checks have less gun violence than states that don't. it is a common sense solution to gun violence. background checks won't solve all aspects of gun violence. we need to do more. one of the things that happened in california after christopher was killed was state legislature passed something called red flag law. what that allows is immediate family members or law enforcement can go before a judge and if the judge is persuaded the person is a danger to themselves or other people, the judge can order that person turn in their guns. so that's a tool that's now
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available to immediate family members or law enforcement. so that if there are signs that a person is mentally unstable, there are steps a family can take or law enforcement can take without having had a history of a person being committed to or found incompetent or committed to a mental institution. now, other countries in the world, other developed countries in the world have the same per capita number of people of mentally ill as we do, yet these things don't happen in other countries. we need to do a better job keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people, consistent with second amendment rights. i work with every town for gun safety, with moms demand action, i can tell you the first -- i think the first time in the history of the united states there was a gun safety measure initiative that went directly to voters in washington state last november. when voters of the country are
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given a chance to vote directly on whether or not they want common sense changes to gun laws, and washington state they approved that measure almost 60% to 40%. that was in light of national gun lobby being in that state working against the legislation. when people are given the choice about whether or not we should have common sense gun laws in this country, people choose common sense. >> there are two different tracks when you talk about the common sense gun laws and also about mental health issues for people. now it is starting to emerge the clearer picture of the shooter here having emotional and mental issues for a good part of his life. his mother talked about the fact he went to school for those with emotional issues as a young man, graduated from that school. now not only is this family, the parents of this shooter and the dad has spoken out saying he is
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absolutely devastated, but there are nine other families from here that have lost somebody, lost their child. do you have advice for parents who are now in the unenvious position of being like you, that have lost their child to senseless gun violence? >> i think the best thing that people can do in this situation is talk to other survivors because they're the only ones that really know what this is like. but let me say something about the mental health thing, mental health, 88 americans die from gun violence every day in this country, and hundreds of injured from gun violence. it is not just a mental health problem. every day in this country women and children are shot and killed in homes and it is not a mental health issue, it is an issue that typically involves anger management, alcohol, and drugs. so while mental health is an important part of this thing, it
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is a mistake to think it is the only aspect of gun violence. in the mass shooting situations typically it is a mental health issue, but that is not the only contributing thing. the daily thing we see from gun violence is most often associated with domestic violence. >> richard martinez, i know the conversation will continue. we will continue to see you out there spreading word about your son. richard, thank you for your time. we are coming up on the 24 hour mark since the shooting happened on this campus, 10:38 when the original reporting first started. my colleague brian williams started with breaking news at 30 rock in new york, joins us now. brian, when we first got information on this it was limited to the shooter was down and one person, a female, had been struck in the chest. now here we are with gruesome details of the dead and injured
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and waiting to hear more about who the shooter is. >> that's right, thomas. remember, we were doing a special report on weather on the east coast, it was during your shift when this word came that we had a terrible mass casualty event perhaps in oregon and now we know so much more, and there you are. we're going to toss to this press conference we've been awaiting all day with the local sheriff, john hanlin, and assistant agent in charge of atf. >> good morning, everyone. i want to start with the victims and families. we have teams of investigators and victim specialists working with each of the families. the purpose is to help facilitate the next of kin
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notifications and to provide counseling services as well as to ensure that each and every one of them and the families receive the highest level of support. these families are currently living through the nightmare in the most personal way possible. i would ask that the media respect their privacy and let them grieve in their own way. as notifications happen, we hope to share their names and a little bit more about them in future press conferences. on to the issues related to the campus. if your car is still parked on the campus, you need to meet at the douglas county fairgrounds today at 3:00 p.m. at that time buses will be there to take you back to the campus to retrieve your car. you should bring photo id. if you cannot find your photo id and believe you left it at the
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campus, check in with an officer at the college and let them know, they will assist you in attempting to retrieve it from one of the buildings. there are also mental health counselors stationed at the fairgrounds, including counselors being provided by the community health alliance. students and staff in need of assistance are strongly encouraged to seek out that help. also in talking with umpqua community college partner this morning, our current understanding is that they intend to reopen the campus early next week. please stay tuned for more information on that. we expect that the medical examiner will release the name of the shooter sometime later today. again, you will not hear anyone
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from this law enforcement operation use his name. i continue to believe those media and community members that publicize his name will only glorify his horrific actions and eventually this will only serve to inspire future shooters. at this time i would like to introduce atf assistant special agent in charge, sell even he is nunez. good morning. i am the assistant special agent in charge for seattle field division and i want to provide some information on weapons we have in custody so far. so far we've recovered 13 weapons. out of those 13 weapons, we have in custody six were recovered at the school, seven recovered at the shooter's residence. all 14 have been traced to a
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federal firearms dealer. they're all at different stages currently in the tracing process. 8 of 14 have been traced to first trace purchasers. 7 have been purchased by the shooter or a family member. all within the last three years. in addition to weapons recovered, we also were able to recover a flank jacket, lying next to the rifle at the school. the jacket had steel plates with five magazines. an additional amount of ammunition was recovered at the apartment. that's all we have at this moment. i also want to thank our seattle, phoenix field division and north carolina field division and l.a. field division for working diligently in getting this tracing information
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for us. >> did you say flank jacket. >> 13 or 14. >> 14 currently, it was 14 weapons, one he traded in back to the store for one of the firearms recovered. >> did you find all 13 or 14 at the school? >> no, six were recovered at the school, seven recovered at his residence. >> were all of the purchases legal? >> they were all purchased legally, yes. >> were they purchased locally? >> not all of them. >> but they were all purchased legally by the shooter. >> some purchased by the shooter, some not purchased by the shooter. >> folks, i'll open it up for questions at the end of this as well, if you would let us get through the rest of this real quick. this is a very active investigation still. we have a lot of resources committed. they were committed all through the night, conducting follow-up investigations, and i just want to remind everyone that we have
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a toll free number set up to collect tips from those in the community. so if anybody in the community has any information about this incident or if you have any video or photographs relevant to the incident, we ask you to please call 1-800-call fbi. choose option 7. i also want to remind everyone we have a number of mental health resources available beyond those at the fairgrounds and beyond those at the college. anyone who is feeling anxious about this incident, again, i encourage you to seek counseling help. it is available. you can find a listing of resources on our press releases. at this time i will be willing to answer a couple of questions. >> can you confirm this is a
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photograph of the shooter, give us absolute confirmation of that? >> i cannot. >> sheriff, the magnitude or cache of weapons and ammunition, normal for one person to have this amount of weaponry? >> in oregon, this is a hunting state and firearms are popular in most households, yes. [ inaudible ] >> that's part of the investigation on-going. we don't have information on that. >> have there been any notes recovered, reports suggesting that perhaps the gunman gave someone a flash drive with information, any information about either of those two things? >> again, we are in the middle of this investigation. any information pertaining to that would be irresponsible of
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me to comment. >> can you confirm -- >> fatalities. >> there's a total of ten fatalities. that number hasn't changed. >> including the shooter. >> that includes the shooter. >> sheriff, you've begun to come under attack for being a strong second amendment advocate. how do you feel about poll it calization of that. >> like i said numerous times, my focus is on getting this investigation completed. and taking care of victims and families of victims and so now is not appropriate time to have those conversations. >> last question. last question. >> the shooter, it would make it easier for us to focus on victims if we knew who some of the victims were. you must have notified some next of kin now, surely you could read some of the names. >> regarding the name of the shooter? >> no, the names of victims. if you want us to focus on
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victims, we have to know who the victims are. could you name them now, name some of them, those you have been able to identify next of kin? >> i cannot. as i have mentioned before, this is a mass casualty incident and there's protocols in place that require that those notifications be authorized by oregon state medical examiner's office. we hope that those notifications will come hopefully by the end of today. but at this particular point in time, i am not able to answer that. >> no more questions. no more questions. >> why does this keep happening in america? why does this keep happening here? >> a little muddled at the end, the bottom line is the sheriff's department does not wish to have the gunman's name used and the sheriff does not wish to talk about the victims because he says he is not authorized to
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release their names. of course, that is also up to the families, the next of kin are in the process of being notified. we are joined by atf veteran and nbc news analyst jim cavanaugh. jim, we just heard the number of weapons. we heard that he had confirmation of the report that he had body armor. what do you make of what you just heard? >> well, what we talked about yesterday, brian, which was the preparation, a lot of preparation. this guy shows up, has four guns maybe in the classroom, assistant special agent in charge talked about two other guns on campus, so six guns at the campus, another seven at the house. lots of ammunition, lots of magazines, preparation and one media report, i don't know if nbc confirmed it, but that when he was inside that he told some of the victims he had been preparing to do this for a couple of years. so a lot of mental preparation,
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a lot of actual preparation. a guy very determined, a coward to do mass murder. it is a hate crime, brian. when you have somebody that has religion, any religion, and kill them, regardless of any other motive, it is a hate crime. hate crime surrounded by a lot of mental issues. >> there's no joy in being right about this, but this is exactly what you predicted yesterday that we would uncover within 24 hours, evidence that this was the result of a lot of planning and contemplation on his part. >> right. well, i mean, we've seen it in so many cases that these things, when you come with all of this equipment and have a plan, it is something that's so well thought out. and as pete williams talked earlier on the air, you know, this guy had a whole lot of documents that they're finding now, left a note filled with hate. somewhat fascinated with the sandy hook shooting, with
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journalists killed in virginia, he is talking about those things, watching other mass shootings. that's the point, brian, the sheriff is saying, not give him the infamy he craves. of course it is all over the news, and you have to know who he is before you can take steps for the next one. doesn't have to have the face constantly shown on the news, it is not that it is a secret, just that it doesn't need to be on constantly. that's a good point. >> do you think the idea of gunmen chasing fame is an idea that is relatively new to the modern era or has this been going on for some time? >> well, i guess we could go back in history and see that it is something in the human psyche, but it sort of rolls now on this cadence of every few months we've seen in the last 15 years, probably columbine being
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the seminal change, but tactical, we have to move right away, go to the active shooter, not wait for negotiators and s.w.a.t. so that also was a change in the psyche of american people and the shooters as well, they sort of crave that in their psyche. it is not possible to totally eliminate that desire on the part of these guys. we've got to set up the hurdles as we go along in a variety of ways. gun laws is only one way. but there are many ways, we ought to set those up. that's what leadership is talking about in washington and across state government. we can do it a little better, reduce some more. >> one thing from modern era, jim, use of body armor on the part of the gunman in so many of
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the shootings. >> right. that's absolutely right, brian, body armor, easily available, on the web, you can order it, get it. these guys are determined. they want to keep shooting, they want mass murder. that's what they're trying to do. mass murder. >> jim cavanaugh, thanks. let's go to justice correspondent pete williams. what can you add to the record that we've just seen unfold at the press conference? >> i think detail we learned, brian, was the number of weapons at his home. we knew they found some guns there. now we learned it was seven, all legally purchased, and nothing we know of in his background that would disqualify him buying weapons. he had no criminal convictions, he had mental problems his mother said, but was never ordered by a court or found by a court to be mentally defective, the term used in federal law, same term used in oregon law. what we have been told by law enforcement officials is he left behind at the shooting scene, had with him, carried to the
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school a long, written document, several pages long, in which he said that he thought the world was against him, these officials say he was in a bad way, that he was depressed, sullen, said at one point he would be welcomed in hell and embraced by the devil. he complained he had no girlfriend, no life. so it's similar to the kind of picture we got after the shooting at sandy hook, a young person, relatively young person struggling with mental health issues who was very interested in guns and who was allowed to acquire a large number of them, despite the fact that he was struggling with mental health issues. >> in that case it is just a classic profile that too many people predicted at this time yesterday we would be talking about at this time today. our pentagon team learned he served apparently a month in the u.s. army, discharged, quote, for failing to meet minimum
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administrative standards to serve. what do we think that means? >> well, they haven't said but one possibility would be that these mental health problems were disqualifying. there doesn't seem to be anything about him physically that would have disqualified him serving in the military. he went to a school for children with mental difficulties, emotional problems when he was growing up in l.a., then moved to this part of oregon. one question is still what was his connection to that school, why did he choose that particular school. from people we talked to who have seen the document, he doesn't explain it in the written document as far as we know from people who have seen it. so he wasn't a student there, what his connection was is still something of a mystery. the local sheriff says his people are investigating by interviewing neighbors and family members to try to answer that question, but of course at the end of the day a rational
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explanation for this is probably going not to be found. >> pete williams in the washington, d.c. bureau. jim cavanaugh before that. gentlemen, thanks to you both. out we go to thomas roberts again in this very sad scene, thomas, just about 24 hours after you and i first learned of this incident. >> there are some bright spots to talk about, brian. i know the sheriff doesn't want to glorify the shooter, wants to focus on the families. we can also focus on the student survivors that are real heroes today, like chris mintz, 30 years old. he was one person who took seven bullets and his aunt said it is no surprise that he jumped in the way to help and distract and save other students. i spoke to one student, a freshman today, who witnessed all of this, and she marveled at his heroism. i want to point out, we talked
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about it before. the go fund me page set up to help with medical expenses for chris mintz. when we started at the top of the hour, it was around $28,000. the goal was 10 grand. they're already up to 55,874. so people are paying attention and want to support those people that have a lot of healing to do, stories like chris mintz are inspiring people, and it is amazing as we heard from our colleague, jacob soboroff as he talked to the campus president, rita cavin, saying it was carnage in eden. i am looking at the site behind me, and it is absolutely beautiful here at this campus in rural oregon. msnbc's jacob soboroff is at the command center. you were there for the sheriff's press briefing. what new pieces of material or of the story did we learn? was it mainly about the amount of weapons he had on site, on campus with him? >> reporter: it was, thomas.
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actually that information came from atf special agent nunez, didn't come from the sheriff. there's still so much information from the sheriff we don't know about the families, still no names, about the shooter, he says the medical examiner will release the name of the shooter later today, the sheriff didn't release that information. perhaps we will get more information in 45 minutes' time. we are 20 feet away from where the governor of the state of oregon and a delegation will be gathered to talk to the media there. >> thanks so much. we can see it is fluid behind you as everybody is starting to break up from that. we will have the other press briefing coming from the governor as you point out here on msnbc live. we want to take you to the pentagon and nbc news security producer courtney kube joins me with more information on what we learned on the military record of the shooter, albeit brief, courtney, this is definitely a big piece to the profile puzzle. >> that's right, thomas. he served about a month in the
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army. he actually never made it through basic training, he was down in fort jackson, south carolina. as brian mentioned earlier, he was discharged for not meeting some administrative standards. so what does that mean. we actually don't know. privacy rules mean the army can't exactly tell us what specifically the cause was for his discharge, but there's a range of options. administratively, did he not meet some standards of not getting a waiver he needed, could it have potentially been a mental health issue. that is possible here. i'm not saying that's what happened, but it is among the possibilities under this umbrella term of an administrative discharge. it is actually not that uncommon that soldiers will start going through basic training at fort jackson, for some reason they'll be discharged. it could be not meeting physical requirements, could be just not assimilating into the squad well. this is one of the many reasons
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we don't know again the specifics of it, but he served for a matter of weeks frankly back in 2008 in the u.s. army. he never made it into active duty. >> courtney, thanks for the update. again, another piece to the puzzle starting to emerge about who the shooter is, who is chris harper mercer. one thing we do know, he was born in los angeles in 1989, listed on the birth certificate, his mother as ms. harper, understand her name to be laurel harper. it is his father ian who lives in los angeles, his parents are divorced, and he was utterly shocked when he heard the news. >> i can't answer any questions now, i don't want to answer any questions now. obviously it has been a devastating day, devastating for me and my family. all i ask is i know you guys are here to do your job, all i ask is respect privacy. so far you've done that.
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we continue our msnbc live team coverage here in roseburg, oregon. i'm thomas roberts. we have new details over the hour about the mass shooting that happened at umpqua community college. much more on that ahead but back to the studio and francis is following another big breaking story having to do with the weather. francis? >> thomas, there is some more news to cover. category 4 storm slamming the bahamas. coast guard reported a containment ship is missing in the atlantic with 3w 33 crew members on board. they said they were beset by
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hurricane joaquin. the coast guard is searching for air and sea. men time, mean on the islands of the bahamas sit with high winds and surf. the good news is the hurricane is expected to track back out to sea instead of directly slamming the eastern seaboard. many places here along the coast, joaquin's remnants are life threatening. two systems combined have the power to dump up to 20 inches of rain. high winds and flooding claimed a second life in the carolina after a tree fell on a car. high water, as well. some roads as you can see here completely flooded. bill karans joins me now. what are we watching? >> joaquin is not the issue. the issue right now is that pressure gradient on the east coast. i mean, we got done and getting the tail end of the high tide
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cycle and all of a sudden all the coastal residents are now saying, we get it. i mean, it was pretty bad. here's an image of john cook in cape may. you can see the sailboat barely hanging on to the mooring on the side. we have pictures from fire island with dunes taken out and up into cape cod. the seas are extremely roughment some of it is associated with joaquin and the pressure gradient between that and high pressure area in canada and the gradient is blowing the winds in. here's the bigger map and see that gradient coming on shore there and seeing five high tide cycles in a row with horrendous problems here and major flooding, not to mention the rain, too. we could see a foot of rain saturday and sunday in south carolina. we'll have the pictures probably monday morning how bad that is. >> bill, a messy next alm of days. thank you very much. want to send it back to thomas in roseburg, oregon, especially with updates and press conference we're awaiting,
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thomas. >> thanks so much. we are keeping an eye out on that press conference. we expect from the governor. joining me here, the base of the campus is pastor lonnie wimberding and there last night with grief counselors at the douglas county fairgrounds and students coming to meet their families and he joins me now. thank you for being here. what was this like for families and parents when the last bus came in and they realized certain family members weren't there? >> that's when really things changed. things were okay until then. there was still hope. but yeah. a lot of questions, you know. from what i understand, they life flighted to several hospitals so, okay, is my loved one at a hospital, among the deceased? a lot of questions that just couldn't be answered. >> reverend, how chaotic for students arriving and family members who were also arriving at this same time? were they able to coordinate to find each other?
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or, was it just panic at the fairgrounds? >> you know, the law enforcement and red cross really did a good job considering the situation. they coordinated investigations in one building and then the family wait in another created a list where they could then when they got information be called. so considering the situation -- >> families were reunited and families that weren't. the sheriff just stressed the importance of the fact they have made grief counselors available to people and professional counseling on campus and the fairgrounds later today. will you be part of that? >> yeah. i plan to volunteer again. >> we appreciate the work that you're doing, the ministry you're doing for the people here because the healing begins now. and it's going to be really hard for the community trying to figure out exactly why this happened. pastor, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> at the top of the hour, much more live here from the scene of this mass shooting.
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we expect in the next hour to have that briefing from the governor, kate brown, and continue our msnbc live team coverage right after this.
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so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. hi again, everybody. i'm thomas roberts live from roseburg, oregon, and we are at the base of the entrance for the campus of umpqua community college and this is the site of the mass shooting that happened just 24 hours ago. we are expecting a news conference from peace health sacred heart medical center to start at any moment. as of this hour, ten people including the gunman are dead. nine are injured. also, want to update for you this hour, governor kate brown will hold a press conference. 30 minutes ago we heard from
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officials from the douglas county sheriff's department about the investigation. also from the atf. they revealed they have 13 weapons in custody, 6 of which were recovered at the school, 7 were recovered an at the gunman's residence. all are traced to a firearms dealer and specifically were purchased legally. all of them. and while nbc news confirmed the identify of the gunman is 26-year-old christopher harper mercer, the sheriff said you will never hear anyone from his department use that name. >> i continue to believe that those media and community members who publicize his name will only glorify his horrific actions. and eventually, this will only serve to inspire future shooters. >> joining me now is nbc's joe fryer. he was there at the grand center for the press briefing and it
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was interesting hearing from both the sheriff and the atf, joe, specifically about the weapons that have been recovered. >> reporter: yeah. that's right, thomas. that's the most information that came out of the news conference, the information on the weapons. we learned 13 weapons recovered, some at the scene, some at the house. authorities do say that some of them were purl chased by the shooter and some of them purchased by family members. but as you mentioned, all purchased legally and also been reporting at the scene authorities found a flack jacket with steel plates and five magazines of ammunition. that was found at the scene. now, what we didn't hear about at the news conference is any hint at a motive for this. the sheriff is still investigating that and wasn't giving any clue of a motive might have been and didn't get more information about what happened yesterday. often when we get into day two or three of a story like this, we start to hear more of a timeline, what happened, where it happened, how things came to an end. but really, the sheriff is being
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pretty tight lipped about the details right now as the investigation continues. so far, the names of the nine victims who died, those names have not been released yet. next of kin notifications are still taking place right now but the sheriff said it is possible that by the end of the day today the medical examiner will be releasing the names of the victims but as you mentioned he will not himself be releasing the name of the gunman believing that give it is gunman the attention he was looking for in the first place. >> and one thing that's really pivotal for people to understand is that ucc behind me remains an active crime scene. the sheriff said that it may reopen early next week. joe, i thought i heard a reporter ask about the notes or a flash drive from the sheriff. he wouldn't comment on that. >> reporter: yeah. that's right. as our nbc has been reporting, officials said there was a
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multi-page hateful filled note left behind the gunman. he was asked about that. he would not comment on any of that so that information that we have been hearing through officials and through sources not confirmed directly by the sheriff today. as you mentioned, the school, the campus still remains closed. the sheriff saying it will reopen early next week and not giving a specific day as to when it will open. >> joe, thanks so much. want to get you over to the medical news conference and listen in for updates. >> one has significant head injury. but clinically, she is doing well. i think from a standpoint she is going to recover from this injury. she has many orthopedic injuries that need to be addressed yet and will probably return to the operating room one or two more times to have those addressed. the final patient is in the o.r. this morning undergoing orthopedic repair of some broken
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bones, secondary to the gunshots wounds. she had a laporatomy yesterday to look at the injuries in the abdomen and is doing well from that standpoint. any questions that the time? >> are you releasing names? >> we will not be releasing the names of the patients. we'll leave it up i think either to the local police department or roseburg. >> what is it specifically that you offered up here? we were talking to folks down there this morning and they said they had to come up here because they needed kn eed neurosurgery. something they couldn't offer down there. safe to assume or is it fact at all that -- gunshot wounds to the head? >> no. we had one with a gunshot to the head. one with a gunshot wound to the spine. i mean, i think first of all we need to talk about mercy. they did a fantastic job
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yesterday in providing the initial care to these patients. triaging them. i don't know what they took care of down there personally. i haven't had a chance to talk to with them but the way they packaged the patients up and prepared them for transport and got them to us in the timely manner was fantastic. all the patients were stable. and had appropriate interventions prior to being transferred to us. the most critical one was the one with the head injury. we knew they were coming. we actually activated our mass casualty protocols here at sacred river bend. with a number of potential injuries that we were expecting, i think i received the first phone call yesterday morning about 10:30. i was in the o.r. at that time. received a phone call from the trauma surgeon down at mercy. who let me know the status and what to expect. at that point, we activated the
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trauma, our mass casualty protocols. we actually had 63 personnel in the e.r. by 11:00. we needed 60. we activated four bays, four trauma teams which was an e.r. physician, a trauma surgeon, two nurses, a scribe, two med techs, a chaplain. and so, it was a great response from the community. we had e.r. physicians, an stheezologists, surgeons not on call, call in, come in or see what we needed. two neurosurgeons we contacted letting them know we needed their assistance. two vas ku lar surgeries came down. and, of course, orthopedics and then we had i think eight trauma surgeons, general surgeons
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involved in the care yesterday. >> how many hours do you think you spent in the operating room with these victims? >> dr. litnen took care of the one who had the gunshot wound to the chest and the abdomen. >> so in general, from the time that they -- all of the patients arrived to the time they got to the operating room is variable based on their injuries. the two most critical, they were out of the e.r. and into the operating room in 30 minutes or less. just depending on their injuries. you know? the surgery that i was in took about four hours. the operating room was being utilized by one of the three patients for probably six or seven hours total. but that was, again, spread out based on who needed to be in the o.r. at what point and how many
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surgeons needed to be involved. you know? in our operating room, we had three anesthesiologists to get her ready for surgery. evaluating the chest injury. at the end of the case, the orthopedic surgeon came in and evaluated the extremity injuries needing to be evaluated. so, i mean, it was a tremendous team effort as far as getting everything that we could get done, done at the same time. and, you know, making sure, of course, that she was still doing well under anesthesia and ready to continue doing well. >> were any of the patients alert and talking when they arrived? >> yes. >> the young woman that suffered the gunshot wound to the back was alert, oriented. and talking. >> was she giving any kind of information about where she felt pain? where she was shot? anything that helped you with her case?
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>> yes. her physical exam, she cooper e cooperated with that. participated and helped us diagnose the extent of her injuries. it was a little more relaxed with her care because the injuries were not life threatening. of course, life, limb and eyesight is how we triage patients with respect to who gets intervention first. hers were not life threatening. the bullet wound was low enough that she didn't have a lot of neurologic deficit. so, we were able to take our time, get a computerized scan of her back. assess where the bullet was. neurosurgery evaluated her. had the discussion of a benefit of mri and can't use it to assess that. he did a neurologic exam. made the determination that he
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felt that the bullet was impinging on the nerve and needed to be removed. took her to the o.r. i think probably two hours after she arrived and took the bullet out. i was in the pacu around 10:00 last night. she was coming out of surgery at that time. >> did she say anything about the shooting? >> did not talk to her about that this morning. i did ask her if she wanted to speak to a psychiatrist. we'll consult psychiatry for all of the patients once they oar alert and oriented enough. i do know the nurse spoke with her and gave me some information about her mental status at this point. i can tell you that she has affected greatly by this event in her life. >> any patient you say is critical and went to icu. >> two still in the icu and one with the gunshot wound in the head is the more critical of the
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two. but from a clinical standpoint, she looks very good this morning. okay? we look at brain profusion is what we're interested in. the more oxygen to the brain, the better off they are. she has good pressures in the brain this morning. they relieved the pressure on the head. she looks very good this morning. i'm optimistic. she will have some deficit. what they will be, we don't know. time will tell as we're able to wake her up, take her off the ventilat ventilator. get a better neurologic exam on her to patient and we'll have a better idea. >> all three expected to survive? >> at this point, yes. >> when you said some deficit, can you expand on that? >> based on site of injury, i mean, if you break down brain injury and blunt versus penetrating the more data shows that penetrating injuries do
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better than blunt. with their ability to return to the community, be fully functional. it's a left-sided brain injury an she will have either some motor or potentially maybe some expressive or receptive -- she won't be able to speak or she won't be able to understand somebody talking to her. and it just -- we don't know. i mean, it's -- >> we are listening to the medical update from the folks over at peace health sacred heart medical center in springfield, oregon. this is where the most dire of those wounded and injuried here on the campus were taken after going to mercy medical center originally. but we were hearing from the doctor there they had by this time yesterday so it's 11:00 a.m. local time here in oregon, they already had 63 people in the e.r. ready to take these three people in and bring them back to life. one of the people and i'm just crossing my notes here because we don't have the names specifically but tying them to
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certain injuries, i believe he was talking about anna boylin with a spinal injury and able to speak before surgery. she was the one who reported to her mom exactly what the shooter did when he came in and asked certain people what their faith was, if they believed that they were christian or not. but our jacob riscon at mercy medical center closer to where the campus is. i believe three miles away. we heard from the staff they currently had three patients abe they might expect one to be discharged today? are there updates on that? [ no audio ] >> reporter: -- life threatening and amazing that 24 hours after the carnage that none of the injuries are going to be life threatening. all of those who were injured are going to survive. initially, ten people were taken here. this is only a couple of miles away from where you are, thomas. at the community college.
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one of those people who was brought here passed away. three others most critical transported north to springfield an hour away an now only three people left at this hospital, mercy. excuse me. and one of those is supposed to be going home today. we do not have an update on whether that person has come home. we know that chris mintz is here and talked about him before, hailed as a hero. he is an army veteran, a father. he was also a student at ucc. and he was in one of those classrooms when the gunman opened fire and said to have charged the shooter and he was shot seven times. broke -- somehow both of his legs and he's now among those recovering but as we have said prior, he is as well, expected to survive. good news there. the latest updates as they become available. thomas? >> just to add on to that, the
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fact a person says he is a cousin of chris mintz started a go fund me page and live for three hours and started to help with his medical costs. over 2,200 people donated and raised nearly $77,000 in just 3 hours time. again, as jacob pointed out, he is being considered one of the biggest heroes out of all of this and his family said they weren't surprised by the fact to risk his own life to try to save others. jacob, over at mercy medical, thank you. on the right-hand side of the screen you can see that we are waiting that press conference from the governor. kate brown. she is going to be speaking with us. we had an opportunity to talk to her this morning and find out what she is concentrating on. right now, she said she is focusing on the people and their families. because there is such a tragic loss of human life here and the healing just begins today. this is day one as the community tries to move forward.
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we'll have that press briefing for you. much more of the coverage live here in roseburg, oregon, right after this. >> very big panic. telling the students, 20 plus, into a teacher's room in the back and hide and don't make any noise. >> initially, i thought it was like a textbook behind me that had fallen on the floor or a desk getting rammed into a wall or something. >> we dropped everything an we ran and ran out of the building, everybody went every which way. it was so chaotic. become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business.
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♪ what is the back end? what healing means for the community. >> what healing means, and we are blessed to a degree you're
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talking about the fund being raised for medical expenses, that is incredibly typical of this community. and that's saying from a perspective we are a timber industry community. we have 25% unemployment in this county at this point in time. but this community pulls together like no other community i have ever been a part of. and this community will pull together. >> welcome back. we continue our msnbc live team coverage here right at the base of umpqua community college in roseburg, oregon. it was just 24 hours ago that this was the site of another mass shooting here in the u.s. and the numbers show that this one is going to be for the record books because there are ten people dead, nine people injured. we have an update on exactly how they're faring with the surgeries that they have had. two different medical hospitals, one here in roseburg, mercy medical. the other being a hospital where
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they had to be transported to an hour away in springfield, oregon. peace health sacred heart medical center. three patients transferred there are listed in stable condition. but they had more severe injuries such as head trauma of bull bullet wounds. joining sus a communications officer with the american red cross. and i know we were going to speak to you from the command center but we have moved from there and we have you on the phone so i appreciate that. but explain what the red cross has been doing in the aftermath of this tragedy. >> thank you. you know, immediately following the incident when we were notified, the red cross deployed local volunteers from the roseburg area to help set up and man a support center. that's where the students and faculty members were gathered to meet with families. we were there to just provide a really secure and safe place for them, some emotional comfort and
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support. right now, we are focused on ensuring that everyone affected by this has the support they need and just really being there in this very difficult and emotional time. >> we know and we have seen and witnessed the community pulling together. but what is the best thing to do for those people that want to be a part of the heal process, paula? >> you know, this is -- this is just an extremely stressful time. this community is very fragile as you can imagine and i think that really the best thing that we can do right now is to be there to offer up our thoughts, very good wishes their way and to be there not just today or tomorrow but in the weeks and months to come. as people begin to heal from this. so i think, you know, when we're no longer here, when you're no longer here, people are still going to need a shoulder and a listening ear, a smile and some comfort and understanding.
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>> paula, you make a really great point. thank you for the great work you and your colleagues are doing at the red cross and you'll see on the lower right side of your screen that we're waiting, the governor's press conference should begin coming up at 2:30 p.m. eastern time and the governor will update what their office is doing. i want to go back to my colleague francis. >> watching closely the weather while hurricane joaquin, thomas, spinning fourther from the east coast, residents in south carolina dealing with flooding of another separate storm system. the state of emergency is declared in river and road flooding expected through the weekend and into next week there in the carolinas. and the bahamas taking the brunt of joaquin and the coast guard is searching for missing cargo ship reported missing. there are 33 people aboard. joining me is al roker. al, two things to watch here. joaquin that is turning away
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from the east coast but also concerns from these other system, we roegs and flooding. >> that is right. even though joaquin won't make land fall, we'll feel the affects from florida all the way up to new england. in fact, as you take a look, here's the path and joaquin away is good news. right now, still hangingbahamas. 140-mile-per-hour winds and pressure rises so that means probably going to see weakening, probably right around the 5:00 update we'll probably see maybe a weakening of those winds. but in the meantime, we're also keeping an eye on the southeast. we have got a couple of things to deal with. okay? so here's joaquin out in the atlantic. you have got this blocking high pressure system up to the north over hudson bay, canada. upper level high. down to the south we have this upper level cutoff low and no steering mechanism and just kind of sits there and so instead of moving along the way it should,
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it just sits and this will just mean days and days of unending rain. and with joaquin out in the atlantic, throwing in all that moisture, it's got a lot, a lot of activity there so here's what we're looking at this weekend. 65 million people at risk for some sort of coastal flood warning, watch or advisory. from new england all the way down into charleston. and here's what else we can expect. because of all this heavy rain, a flood threat, heavy rainfall possible anywhere from 15 to 20 inches of rain in parts of the carolinas and it is not going to end any time soon, francis. >> i know. concerns about historic flooding for the carolinas. thank you very much. the coast guard is searching for a missing cargo ship. here's video of that ship. it is reported missing near crooked island. 33 people reported aboard this ship. so the coast guard continuing that search.
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but now let's send it back to thomas roberts in roseburg, oregon, reporting on the shooting that's devastated the community there and awaiting the news conference from the governor. >> francis, thank you very much. yes, today is day one of the healing process as we're just over the 24-hour mark and there were calls of the mass shooting. we are going to get the governor's press briefing after a quick break. stay with us. (vo) around age 7, the glucose metabolism in a dog's brain begins to change. (ray) i'd like to see her go back to her more you know social side. she literally started changing. it was shocking. she's much more aware. (jan) she loves the food. (ray) the difference has been incredible. she wants to learn things. (vo) purina pro plan bright mind promotes alertness and mental
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it's covered by most health plans. we heard you got a job as a developer!!!!! its official, i work for ge!! what? wow... yeah! okay... guys, i'll be writing a new language for machines so planes, trains, even hospitals can work better. oh! sorry, i was trying to put it away... got it on the cake. so you're going to work on a train? not on a train...on "trains"! you're not gonna develop stuff anymore? no i am... do you know what ge is? welcome back, everybody. we continue to cover this tragedy in oregon. we are now past that 24-hour mark and we are here at the base of umpqua community college. this is where first responders
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showed up on the scene just after 10:58 pacific time yesterday morning getting the calls that there was an active shooter on campus. now, the community college president told our colleague jacob that this was basically a situation where this was carnage in eden and that's how she referenced it, she was leaving the campus and notified and went straight back. but now we know that there are nine people on campus that were killed including the gunman which makes it ten people officially. and then there were seven others that were sent to the hospital. we got updates a short time ago about three of the most critically injured. some of which suffered head wounds from the mass shooting at the campus behind me. we learned that they're all in stable condition right now. another name of someone that was operated on because of a bullet to her spine is a young student named anna boylan and we found out from the doctors today she
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was able to speak and talk to people before going into surgery. an enthey give her a very good outlook, a healthy outlook for a good recover in spite of the amount of damage that she's had and suffering this traumatic injury but they feel as if all of the three people that they had the opportunity to help survive are clinically, this was according to the doctors, clinically doing well. now, earlier this morning in the predawn hours i had a chance to speak with oregon's governor kate brown and i referenced the fact that witnesses said that the shooter targeted christians specifically. and i asked the governor if she thinks that the case should be seen through the lens of a hate crime against christians. >> are you open to the fbi. and potentially moving forward this as a christian hate crime? >> i'll leave the investigation details to law enforcement at
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this time. suffice to say, that the level of coordination amongst the law enforcement community has been incredible. yesterday when the tragedy happened, our first responders, our firefighters, our police, reacted immediately and were there to do everything they could. our entire emergency medical teams were available and ready to respond immediately. so the level of coordination, the level of effort was incredible yesterday. >> we know that this community has come together and a lot of people proud of the work that you have done because in august you were able to enforce more comprehensive and stricter gun law enforcement. a lot of people criticized to say, well, see what happened? these types of shootings can happen anywhere. what do you say to critics that would say that the strength -- >> all right. so that was our conversation with the governor earlier today.
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i want to hand it back to brian williams at 30 rock in new york. >> we're about to hear from the governor again. this is the now familiar front of the local fire station there and this is the scheduled briefing from the governor. i don't imagine she's going to have that much information to be able to share as they've been with holding victims' i.d.s. you can understand that. we're in the middle of the notification of next of kin and the local sheriff said he won't use the name of the gunman in this case so as the local first responders file in here behind the officials, we are just waiting for the cue and the governor will presumably be introduced. let's listen in. >> good morning, everybody.
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i'm tim freeman, a douglas county commissioner. thank you for being here this morning. this morning, i'm here to introduce each of our speakers. but before i do that, i want to thank our governor and our federal delegation for being here to support us in these very difficult days. each of the speakers is going to give their statement and we're not going to do any questions. we are here today to let this federal delegation have a chance to explain their thoughts and as time goes by we'll have more opportunity to understand more of what's happened and have further dialogue. so the first speaker i'd like to introduce and i'm very thankful for the governor for being here and coming down yesterday to help with this really difficult situation is governor brown. governor? >> thank you. thank you, commissioner freeman and thank you for your leadership yesterday. all of oregon stands with umpqua
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community college and the city of roseburg. i am proud of how the roseburg community pulled together to care for and comfort each other during this horrific crisis. i want to thank our police, our firefighters, our dispatchers, our emergency medical personnel and all those at the college for their heroic efforts yesterday. oregon has worked continuously to prevent these kind of tragedies. but they continue to happen here and across the nation. and it is going to keep happening until we decide we want them to stop. there is no single solution that will prevent every shooting but we must and we will do better to prevent these type of senseless violence. this is a conversation that we
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will have. but today is not the day. today we must be focused on providing the support and condolences and help this community heal. as we move forward, we can honor the lives lost at umpqua community college best by remembering what it means to be a caring community. to demonstrate more kindness. respect each other more. and take the time to truly connect to the people around us. this is a very difficult time for all of us and of course especially those here in douglas county whose lives and families were changed by the events of yesterday. one person's deranged act may have, indeed, broken all of our hearts, but he cannot prevent
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our hearts from growing back bigger and stronger and more committed to the oregon that we all love so very much. thank you. >> thank you, governor brown. our next speaker and i should mention the next three speakers got on planes and flew out here from washington, d.c. to be with us today. i'm very grateful for that you are efforts. the next speaker is senator ron widen. >> in the last 24 hours, oregonians struggled with unspeakable tragedy, grieved for the victims and the families and loved ones and gave a big, big thanks to our courageous first responders. right now, is a time for healing
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and helping the community. for the future it is clear that it does have to be about more than words and good intentions if this carnage is to finally end. as a country, we cannot just shrug our shoulders and move on. in my view, ending these massacres is going to require compromise. compromise that is about rights and responsibilities. gun owners have rights under the law. and there must be responsibilities if these massacres are going to end. and oregon is exactly the place to lead this conversation.
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what we have shown is oregonians again and again is we can step forward and help our people as we seek to help this community today and show a bit of light for the rest of the nation. today is not about what any of us in the united states congress have voted for in the past. it is about what common ground we as people who don't always agree can find in the future. >> thank you, senator. next we have senator berkeley.
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>> we have a long series of names branded on our hearts across the nation, places like columbi columbine, like sandy hook, and now here at umpqua community college here in roseburg. it's a list of names that no community ever wants to have be included in. and at this moment, this horrific, this senseless act has broken hearts, every heart, here. this is a small community. it's a community where everyone knows someone who was hurt or killed yesterday. the community has come together in an extraordinary fashion.
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the first responders responded quickly and competently. the sheriff and the county commissioners and the mayor and the city manager all jumped in to make decisions in a flash to respond and address it, the situation. they did an incredible job but there is no response that can repair the broken hearts. yesterday when i walked back from the capitol to the hart office building, hart senate office building, i was told there's been a tragedy in oregon. there's been a mass shooting in oregon. and, senator, it is from your home county from douglas county. i have a special place in my heart for this county.
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i was born in myrtle creek just south of here and when i was about 2 we moved here to roseburg. i went to first grade here. i have family on both sides, my father's side an my mother's side, and this morning i was asked about my family down here. and i must say i never thought it could possibly be that my family, my extended foomly, my cousining were directly affected by as i said this is a small town and everyone's affected. and one of the individuals who died is a great granddaughter of my first cousin so she is my cousin. and i just tell you it -- every heart is damaged and broken. and this community is coming
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together to embrace each other. to exercise the companionship, the love, the affection. no one could have envisioned here in this one, wonderful place of roseburg that this could happen. it is going to give us all food for thought. this long list gets longer with every passing week and month we have had 18 school shootings here in 2015. we have had 45 mass shootings in america in 2015. so we will all be carrying our hearts not only the sorrow and the pain, but also, the responsibility to ponder what we
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can do that there will be fewer cities that this list will not continue to grow as it has. thank you. >> thank you, senator. >> so our last speaker today is representative peter defaz owe. representative? >> well, here approximately 25 hours after this tragedy this is a day for us to mourn those who died and to give us much as we can, our hearts and our prayers, to their family an their friends. and to pray for those who are still in the hospital. and then, for this community. for the college. for the town. for the townspeople.
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today is a day of mourning. we'll go through grief. we'll have memorials. and then there will come a time when we have all the facts from the investigation which is ongoing that we may find discrete ways to deal with problems such as this in the future. unfortunately, this is not the first time that i've spoken at a news conference like this. thirston was two miles from my home and in the case of thurston, it was tremendous demand for information which isn't yet readily available. for solutions. which we can't even begin to think of until we know all the facts. and the impatience. this is not a time to be impatient. it's a time first to come together and solidarity and to give what solace we can to those
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who have lost so much. there will come a time where we'll move forward with ideas and solutions an i expect this delegation with the support of these local officials and with our governor to move together in unison. but that is not today. that's for the future. thank you. >> i'd like everybody to come in closer, please. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here today. on behalf of the board of commissioners, i want to thank this group of people that has responded at all levels of government, city, county, state, federal, the tribes here helping us. and i really want to thank the first responders behind us. we are all here to support the victims and families of this horrible incident. thank you. >> certain amount of numbness still in that community that will remain for sometime.
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proper recognition of the first responders who had many of them the worst day of their lives. a shouted question from the press corps but there will be no q & a today. they're very limited in what they want to say, limited in what they're able to say and thomas roberts, as we watch this, the governor, greeting and thanking the first responders, this is the way it is for a while. >> i think so. representative defazio told us, gave us a lesson now is time the time to be impatient and this healing will take sometime and we need as everyone journalists and those in this community need time to mourn as we still wait properly to be notified about deceased and learned that he's a person with a roseburg childhood and he has extended family here talking about the fact that his
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first cousins, great granddaughter, is one of the victims here today. one thing i learned just getting on the ground overnight is this is a very tight-knit community. it seems that everybody has a definite connection to the community college here. now, that doesn't mean you have a student that goes here but you know somebody that did or you know somebody that works here. so this is definitely a central part, brian, of the community and they really feel vulnerable that they have been taken advantage of in such a way by this shooter. >> it's a tough day, thomas. we are watching members of the fire department and reminded and large part a logging economy out there. this is a department that has a lot of woodland that they are charged with defending and protecting and, yet, yesterday
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no, there's just no preparation for it. we have seen briefings today with the physicians and surgeons. just like every community in this country. good doctors and nurses go to work not knowing they're going to be handed a national tragedy, victims from a mass casualty incident. so, the continuing sadness there in douglas county, oregon. and, thomas, i know you felt it since arriving there. >> you make such a great point, though, about the timber industry, brian, because it's been affected here, struggling. so the community college has been a place of rebirth for a lot of people to come and earn their a.a. degree or earn credits to move on to college. so this is definitely as i said a heart beat for roseburg. brian williams, thank you so much. we'll have much more live here in roseburg, oregon, after a quick break. this is msnbc live. it takes a lot of work... to run this business.
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took aim of a student. the shooter shot her teacher and then asked people systematically whether they were christian or not. if they said they were, he would shoot them in the head. if they were not, he would shoot them in the leg. we have updates on the conditions of those taken to mercy medical center and then flown on to springfield, oregon, for more serious treatment.
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the three that were taken to springfield are listed in stable condition. and then the ones at mercy are also listed in stable condition with the expectation that one might be relowe'sed today. that's it for now from here. i'll send it back to new york for other breaking news we're following -- the weather. francis? >> yeah. specifically i should say that missing american cargo ship with that search intensifying. the u.s. coast guard now involved in flying aircraft into hurricane joaquin off the tlarkt to search for this cargo ship with 33 crew members on board. it departed jacksonville, florida, on route to puerto rico. they had taken on water. so certainly with the weather conditions there, and those unstable conditions, the concern for the 33 crew me believes on board. of course, we'll continue to follow this, as well the other
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major story of the day, hurricane joaquin and kate snow continues our coverage here on msnbc. we thank you for joining us. >> this has become routine. the reporting is routine. my response here at this podium ends up being routine. the conversation in the aftermath of it. we've become numb to this. >> so we are a small community. we know each other. we come together and we will come out even stronger. >> no one would picture this in this setting. it's like carnage in eden. >> there's so many emotions going on right now that i don't -- my -- i don't know. my heart hurts.
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coverage of the tragedy in oregon, that breaking news all afternoon. a community in mourning and investigation in high gear. here's what we have learned in just the past couple of hours. 13 weapons were recovered. police describing the oregon shooter's arsenal and a hate filled note left at the campus crime scene. we are live in oregon, of course, with the details. after thursday's powerful comments on the shooting, president obama takes question this is hour from the press and we'll bring it to you live. we are also watching, of course, widespread flooding along the east coast and we're traging hurricane joaquin now a powerful category 4 storm. but we do begin with that massacre in oregon leaving nine dead, plus the gunman. 26-year-old's rampage lasted about ten minutes. the victims have not been named yet but we are hearing storying of heroism, stories of survivors and quick thinking. governor of oregon kate brown


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